Jaren The Voiceover
Mar 24
A Famous DJ Group Got Credit For Our Biggest Song Over A Decade Ago.
For over a decade, I have been told not to make my personal feelings about my music career public. But now that I’m “too old” to have a solo
Hi! My name is Jaren and I'm a multi-potentialite! I'm ambidextrous, AuDHD, and the cringiest mom in the world, according to my teenagers. Is it because I insist on singing the "I Love You" song at the top of my lungs at school drop-offs in front of their friends? Probably. But I don't care. I'm all about love, man. Just like The Dude. (If you're not a fan of the Big Lebowski, we probably can't be friends.)
Here's where I share my thoughts and opinions about the industries I work in. Feel free to share!